saww » Item Investigations Infor - وبلاگ aall ورود به سیستم

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Continue your Item Investigations information in Knight:
Be safe; be smart!
Lastly, this announcement by no means indicates that you have finished seeking out such ite

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ایجاد: 19/03/2010 08:32
بروز: 12/05/2010 05:02
مقالات 1
بازدید هفته 2881
بازدید کل 957

saww :: Item Investigations Infor

وبلاگ های دیگر: knight_seni ... | learn_warri ... | ...

United States - aall
موقعیت: 137/56779 کاربران

این اقلام عبارتند از قدیمی ترین تا جدید ترین مرتب شده اند!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: Knight information: how to obtain a "Cursed" Weapon - 12/05/2010 05:02

Each weapon(Knight Noah) requires one type of "Ancient Dragon Tribe Blessed Stone", two types of fossil materials, and "Nightmare Stone" in Knight. At first, you must gain a pickaxe/mattock from [Hepa's Disciple] Shozin in Moradon:

The pickaxe costs 100 Nation Points and 1,000,000 Noah. After purchasing the pickaxe, it will appear as a weapon called [Mattock] in your inventory. All the materials for the Cursed Weapon, which now can be obtained in Ronark Land. Using [Mattock], you may now harvest the Draki fossils found in the Northeast and Southwest regions of Ronark Land:

After finding the fossils. Equip [Mattock]. The Pickax [Mattock] cannot do damage to anything/one except the fossil, and nothing can do damage to the fossil except the [Mattock]. The fossils do not attack and when "killed" will drop 1-2 random materials. Would you like to buy professional Knight powerleveling? If so, please come here and our website will never let you down. Just feel free to contact us at any time.